Conversation Between acer5200 and AbstractAngel

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. August 13th! Coming up way too quickly!
  2. I can't remember, did you have your wedding yet...?
  3. Ohaider!

    On and off and on and off with me. Darn school =|
  4. Good morning sunshine!
  5. I have a Chocobo T-Shirt. It's awesome
  6. I had one of the chocobo songs from FF VII stuck in my head the other day. Electric de Chocobo I think.
  7. Indeed!!!
  8. Chocobo!!!!!!!!! <3
  9. I uhh.. just butchered part of your Screenshot thread. Hope you don't mind >,>
  10. Oh Hai!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 89
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