I can't get into my skype, lost the password
What do you mean? His name is sickness... not sure what kind of information you want.
That's sickness
Yeah age 2 mechanics are a bit different because of split damage. So its hard to differentiate the mechanics sometimes. Things that will work on age 2 don't work on age 1 and vice versa. I can honestly say with the exception of WolfgangMA, I have never met anyone on Age 2 that understand the mechanics on even close to the same level as I do. And that's because no one takes the time to learn them. That is also why I still play age 1. I like playing against people that actually have a clue what to do and not just spam 99500 arch 500 cav at me all day and wonder why they are getting 10 xp per wave.
I haven't worked on it too terribly much. It was like 4 am when i first tried it. I was able to 3 hit solve it fairly easily. now i'm down to like 2 1/2 hits if you can call it that, my 3rd wave doesn't even have to be a full 125k wave to clear it. I never claimed to be the best on age 1 at pvp. I know the mechanics. But i'm out of practice at applying them :P
It is. short