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Thread: Spent 60 - Nothing given

  1. #1

    Default Spent 60 - Nothing given

    Sigh, well evony I don't usually like to complain, but this is a first for me and im a little unhappy about it. Figured id attempt to get in touch with some one here since well, you decided to not give me what I paid for on a Saturday so I wont get a response fro mevony via acct until Monday when it turns like 2 AM. Yes, that's 2-3 days from the time you took the money from my account So please, pretty please, just give me what I paid for! You took the money immediately, shouldn't I receive my goodies immediately?
    Savage - 194

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Fugitive View Post
    Sigh, well evony I don't usually like to complain, but this is a first for me and im a little unhappy about it. Figured id attempt to get in touch with some one here since well, you decided to not give me what I paid for on a Saturday so I wont get a response fro mevony via acct until Monday when it turns like 2 AM. Yes, that's 2-3 days from the time you took the money from my account So please, pretty please, just give me what I paid for! You took the money immediately, shouldn't I receive my goodies immediately?
    For some reason it can take a few good hours to complete your purchase... If not best reply your get here is file a ticket. Good luck with this tho
    Add My Skype - iSADiiSTiiCi And Or - ThisIsProfession And Il Jack Your S***
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ThisIsProfession View Post
    For some reason it can take a few good hours to complete your purchase... If not best reply your get here is file a ticket. Good luck with this tho
    ticket is not better or worst. i don't think a mod has honestly replied in a week on forums. ticket you will get some answer asking for more details then wait more. i suggest stop spending lol

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by [muted] View Post
    ticket is not better or worst. i don't think a mod has honestly replied in a week on forums. ticket you will get some answer asking for more details then wait more. i suggest stop spending lol
    I think SSF checks up on the forums almost daily lol... The most active mod ive seen yet... #+reps
    Add My Skype - iSADiiSTiiCi And Or - ThisIsProfession And Il Jack Your S***
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  5. #5


    yet to see a mod reply to forum problems like this one or any of them. sometimes i see them on random topics but thats it

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by [muted] View Post
    yet to see a mod reply to forum problems like this one or any of them. sometimes i see them on random topics but thats it
    There is not much a mod can do from the forums anyways... Most of them are or where players just like us.
    Add My Skype - iSADiiSTiiCi And Or - ThisIsProfession And Il Jack Your S***
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  7. #7


    Mods don't comment on these because they have nothing to do with the game. They moderate the forums, keep the riff raff out.

    Less QQ more PewPew

    Quote Originally Posted by Prodigy the 5 View Post
    cush has a point... and he is right

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rock N Rollin to a town near you !!!


    Quote Originally Posted by [muted] View Post
    ticket is not better or worst. i don't think a mod has honestly replied in a week on forums. ticket you will get some answer asking for more details then wait more. i suggest stop spending lol
    Well mods cant answer tickets, because we aren't actually employed by Evony. I dont chat here as often as i used to, the main reason being there isnt all that many threads running anymore. I literally have like 4 threads i have to check and my "Moderating" is done for the day. when no one posts in those threads for weeks at a time, we get quiet. no point us quintuple posting until someone replies to us just for the sake of posting once a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by [muted] View Post
    yet to see a mod reply to forum problems like this one or any of them. sometimes i see them on random topics but thats it
    Well this is largely due to there are very few "Evony" problems we can help with. You need a post approved? Im your man! You need a double post merged? I can do it. You need help pertaining to payment on evony servers? That i can't give with authority.

    Because i have the purple name and the Moderator title people expect my posts in these threads to be the ultimate fix or the absolute solution to their problem. But im not evony staff, so i cannot find out why your coins haven't gone through, or why you got Banned for "No Reason" or whatever evony related thing you've had not working for you. These things are outside my jurisdiction so to speak. Any help i give here is merely suggestions, and might in some cases do absolutely nothing to benefit you.

    we are basically glorified security guards. Here to make sure everyone is walking the straight and narrow and not advertising bot sites or being a russian **** spambot. (i dont miss those at all) we cant check your ticket and tell you whats wrong (Unless our name happens to be Dave Mata) and we sure as hell cant give you Evonys reasons for such things, mostly because we dont know them.

    Quote Originally Posted by cushseth View Post
    Mods don't comment on these because they have nothing to do with the game. They moderate the forums, keep the riff raff out.
    This is correct. unless you want us posting "Submit a ticket" which is entirely unhelpful to everyone in every thread since you should already know that. We have been here 6 years now:
    Problem + Ticket = a chance at problem being solved.
    Problem + Nothing = Problem. See the difference?

    hope this clears the matter up.

    And finally @OP:

    Sometimes it can take up to 24hrs to appear. Its a pain in the butt when it happens, but it can happen. Did it to me on 190 once.

    PS: While we cant help much in matters of the evony/Ucool buisness, If you have mechanics questions myself or surefire are probally able to answer, not to mention the other mechanics geeks still lurking these forums (Cush and Mech im looking at you guys)
    Last edited by ssfgrgawer; 06-05-2015 at 10:53 AM.

    Sig Courtesy Of Sickness!
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    Quote Originally Posted by davemata View Post
    ssssssssffffdrdrawers. You can't tell me to stop being who I am.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by [muted] View Post
    ticket is not better or worst. i don't think a mod has honestly replied in a week on forums. ticket you will get some answer asking for more details then wait more. i suggest stop spending lol
    dave has not posted since 5/5 and since that time his only post that i can see that isn't telling us something is 5 months ago. mods are few and far


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