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Thread: One of my cities was moved in the night

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    calgary, ab, canada

    Default One of my cities was moved in the night

    Since I've not gotten an answer in either help and questions, nor from a direct query to evony itself beyond the automated response, I will post here as well what I started asking about a week ago. Occured two days prior to this post from July 24.
    One of my cities was moved in the night
    Woke up yesterday morning to discover one of my two cities was moved a LONG distance away from the other. I log in almost every day, so the only thing I found concerning a city being moved to a "limbo" place does not apply. Anyone have any idea what happened and how to fix it? I tried advance teleport and wasted two.

  2. #2


    COE is long dead. I would expect the whole game shut down any day. No use sweating glitches now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    calgary, ab, canada


    Well, that explains a lot. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Check Album


    If you have been zero'd then your city will go to lala land ?

    Best wishes to those who were in ICECOLD, MERC, HONOR on 131, SOLACE on 144, thePack2 on 158

  5. #5


    Iv'e had some odd things happen to me on Evony... Wheel spinning and spinning and spinning and before I know it "never asking me to spend any money to buy amulets" and all my coins were gone ;-( Feeding dead troops for a few months lol But this is the 1st Iv'e ever heard of this??? Sorry it happened to you ;-(
    “When the giant hits the ground, he feels the wrath of Hulkamania and the whole world shakes at my feet?”

  6. #6


    Was your city attacked and your bot auto teleported your city at a predefined loyalty?

  7. Default

    that explains a lot. No use sweating glitches now.

  8. #8


    Glitch!!!! Glitch!!!!
    “When the giant hits the ground, he feels the wrath of Hulkamania and the whole world shakes at my feet?”


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